Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Congresso Provocando La Gloria Incontenible

Congreso Provocando la Gloria Incontenible..

Chicago IL, Noviembre 2010…

Quisiera primeramente darle Gracias a Dios por sus ricas bendiciones y su amor inagotable y verdadero hacia mi. Mi experencia en el Congreso fue inolvidable. Tuve un encuentro con mi amado Senor que me ha dejado asombrada.. Ahora se que mi vida nunca sera igual.

Mi viaje comenzo el dia miercoles, 3 de Noviembre, sali temprano desde Ontario, Ca. , hice escala en Salt Lake City, Utah y luego directo para Chicago, Ohare Airport. Realmente, pasaban mil cosas por mi mente, el proyecto en que estamos arduamente trabajando para la honra y Gloria de Dios, los compromisos que tenia al regresar de mi viaje a Chicago, tambien mis responsabilidades en la iglesia local, bueno muchas cosas, pero trataba de enfocarme en el congreso, y prepararme, la lista de cantos/temas que queria presentar etc, y muy dentro de mi habia un deseo inmenso de oir la voz de Dios, yo sabia que Dios tenia algo especial para mi.. Estaba ansiosa por estar en la presencia de Dios, y le pedia a Dios que me llenara de su uncion y espiritu para que yo pueda ministrar a su pueblo con libertad.. Jamas quiero abrir mi boca para hablar o cantar sin tener algo que ofrecerle a Dios.

Bueno, Llegue a Chicago ya en la tarde, como a las 6pm.. Me fue a buscar mi amigo Nael al aeropuerto que solo lo conocia al nene por telefono pero como si lo hubiera conocido toda la vida, es un joven, varon de Dios incredible y entregado a Dios, es obvio y fue un placer conocerlo. Fuimos a casa del pastor donde conoci a su gran familia, luego despues a ensayar con los musicos y cantantes, que a proposito fueron una gran bendicion a mi vida, unos chicos/chicas lindos, amables ( gracias a los musicos tremendos, (Juan/Victor/Carlos/Brandon) me encanta mirar como alababan a Dios mientras tocanban sus instrumentos, WOW!! Tambien el equipo de Adoracion que me acompano, en varios temas (Tiffany, Samantha *preciosa, Nael *mi hermanito, Lemuel – aka *Lemy, Jesenia *mi anne Hathaway, lol, Lizzie *omg, eres una tormenta mi nena, you are truly the life of the party ..ya despues de ensayar fui a descansar al citio donde yo me quedaria el resto del viaje.. El dia Jueves, salimos a hacer unos mandados, y tuve el honor de conocer al Pastor Harry Maldonado desde PR, y su hijo Harry Samuel =), Rebeka *que me maltrata pero con carino, jaja, y a la pastora hna. Maldonado (una gran mujer de Dios),gracias a ustedes por impactar mi vida como lo hicieron, Pastor Maldonado usted realmente ministro a mi corazon, gracias por ser un instrumento y Hombre de Dios, tambien por la palabra que hablo sobre mi Vida el dia Viernes.. Nunca sere igual, yo confio en Dios, y en los planes que tiene para mi.. Jer 29:11-13

Los 5 dias y medio que estuve en Chicago, fueron increibles! En nuestro tiempo libre la familia Nater nos saco a pasear por downtown Chicago. Que bella ciudad, me encanto!

Llego la ultima noche del congreso, y que noche tan Poderosa! Gracias Senor, por hablar a tu pueblo, gracias por permetirme ministrar y tambien por ministrarme a mi por medio de tu espiritu y los que tambien enviaste a este Congreso, Glorioso.. (Moises Santana)

Hice contacto con personas de mucho valor, que comparten el mismo deseo de engrandecer tu reino, de elevar tu nombre y ser utiles en tus manos, nuestros deseos de Corazon y nuestro proposito en TI nos unio en Chicago! Hasta pronto, los Quiero Mucho!

**Carlos y Ana-- i love you! =D

Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Current Bio

Lily Cruz is best known for creating a unique fusion of her seamless contemporary sound with the energy of her Latin background.

Born in Orange County, CA she quickly discovered her talents at the age of 4 and by 14 had fully submerged herself into music ministry. Shortly after, she was discovered by a growing group and Independent, Christian Record company within the Apostolic and Pentecostal movements called CT records, based in Santa Ana, CA. Lily debuted on a CT Records production, El Poder Del Pentecostes in (2001) Soon after, she became an integral part of a breakout group known as BELIEVE with whom she traveled throughout the US and Mexico.

Over the past few years she has refined herself as a worship leader, recording artist, and songwriter; gathering a strong and growing fan base in both the Hispanic and English Christian communities. The versatility of her voice has transcended vocal barriers, recording in various musical styles. But her passion lies in connecting with others through the messages in her songs. She continues to minister internationally in various venues, however when she is not traveling she can surely be found Leading Worship at her home church in Fontana, CA. www.fountainoftruth.com.

Lily, among various artists, was featured on the Spanish version of Maranatha Music’s best-selling series titled Top 25 Alabanzas Para Hoy (2005) (Praises for Today), a recording that captured the number one position on the Christian Latin Music charts and showcased the groups rare ability to cross barriers, musically and culturally. As well as Adorar Vol. 1 (2006) nominated for a Dove award for Spanish album of the year, produced by renowned, Dove and Grammy nominee, Phil Sillas. She later appeared on TBN/ENLACE broadcasting network with performances viewed through out Latin America.

In late 2007, Lily released her first single titled FAITH, which was made available on several online stores including itunes.com and instantly because a success as her music was assessable throughout the world.

Currently Lily is working closely with Producer Phil Sillas to complete what will be ADORAR Vol. 2 (2010). She also is producing background vocals for a variety of artists and is in pre-production on her solo record ready for release in early 2011.

Ultimately, she is propelled by an unwavering faith and purpose, to deliver a message, “I am confident that my purpose is to Exalt Christ and be a voice that he can use to reach a lost soul... my desire is that my music will deposit Faith, Hope and Love in the hearts of those that are listening, and will be encouraged to draw closer to God.”

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Music production is not for Normal people.. lol

Sooooo another incredible session at aarborn studios today. We arranged the first song for my Ep and its sounds pretty amazing, im really happy with the direction this production already.. Working with Aaron, Matt and Jared was beyond me.. hahahah These guys obviously know music and what they want to hear for this particular song. It was pretty overwelming to hear my lyrics turn into this really beautiful song and hott track.. =D
I'm so greatful that God continues to be in the midst of this production, and that even in our quick prayers during our sessions i can feel such a peace and wonderful presence in our midst. Thank you Jesus!

This project has become my "baby", I can't say that its a continuation of what we started 3 years ago because its so much more.. this music projest has taken on a life of its own. The team I've blessed to work with are more then i could ask for, our thoughts and desires for this production are definitly "singing in unison".. =)
God has been depositing thoughts and messages in my heart to share with people, and as i was reflecting on some recent conversations with friends that i love dearly, i thought about their current events in life, and how dark their lives seem because of the situations they find themselves in. So much pain, hopelessness, anger and dissappointment.. I thought to myself, God there's nothing you can't handle.. you can turn it all around for them in a sec.. Sometimes, our faith or lack thereof plays a lead role in the direction our lives take.. Although God has a devine destiny for us all, i believe each day he is writing new chapters in our lives...
God I pray mercy on my friends right now, may your love surround them where ever they are.. give peace to those that have none, love to those that feel none, and hope to those that see, none... Amen..

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

And So it Begins....

Yesterday was my first writing/studio session at Aarborn Studios..
I have the priviledge of incorporating into our upcoming productions some of the musical elements that God has placed in my life and ministry. People that have been a vital influence on my ministry of music and definitly amazing friends. On Tuesday 10/12 I met with producer Aaron Barbosa, to listen to some new music, record some reference vocals, and share some thoughts and ideas as far as the direction of the upcoming production.. It feels so great to "do what I love", and feels even better to know that God is IN IT... Last Week i met with Hez &Co, to discuss some strategies in completing this production, image and content of the record as well as how we will incorporate all of our creative ideas in a timely manner... we set a tentative release Month, MARCH 2011.. I could not be more excited, all of the people involved in this production share the same vision and desires to create music that will reach people in a very special and unique way. My heart is overwelmed with the support and encouragement so many have given me to finally get this musical journey started and i feel incredibly honored to have this oppertunity God has placed before me to be a part of such a Special project...

Monday, October 4, 2010


Its a New Season, literally... AUTUMN has begun and the temperatures are slightly changing.. I'm loving it so so much! I'm really excited about the next couple months.. The Holidays always are my favorite time of the year. Besides the annual holiday cheer this time brings, there are also alot of things happening and doors opening that Im not sure which door to walk through but I know God will guide me.

Getting ready for my Chicago Trip the first week of November, First time in CHI and in communication with the event planners, we've become good friends and we are excited for what God is going to do at the Congreso.. I'm working on my songlist for that 4 day event and spiritually preparing myself so that God will have his way and use me to touch someones life.. I pray that the undignified desire in my heart to worship Christ is contageous and impacting.. Lord I need more of you...

Monday, September 27, 2010

Thank YOU!

Where do i begin!!! its been a while and so much has happened.. First of all I have to start by saying that I'm so greatful for all that God is doing in my life, i'm so inlove with HIM!! He has truely made me over and this last year has been a roller coaster but I've learned who i am, and most importantly where im going.. A new me; happier, healthier, motivated to finally reach some long lost goals as well as some new ones.. Im so blessed to have a wonderful family who supports me, friends that stand by me ....
And now with the help and direction of God, I'm about to embark on the production of my EP.. its been 3 years and im back in the studio, writing, arranging and loving every minute of it. I am fortunate to know some amazing producers, musicians, writiers, arrangers etc, that believe I'm worth workin with and believe in my ministry and that means the world to me, collaborating with them has and will be unforgettable.. I am convinced that now im ready to do this, im not who i was 3 years ago... and inspite of the challenges, set backs, and sometimes hurts, i had to endure it all to become what i am today.. God never ceases to amaze me.. I now know that.... "He watched over me, covered me because of all the plans he has for me".... and simply because He loves me.. God's love is never ending, it wasn't enough for him to endure what he did on a cross, for my sins.. Today he continues to show mercy, grace and love.. His love is overwhelming.. I will forever serve YOU with all of me! Thank You!