Monday, September 27, 2010

Thank YOU!

Where do i begin!!! its been a while and so much has happened.. First of all I have to start by saying that I'm so greatful for all that God is doing in my life, i'm so inlove with HIM!! He has truely made me over and this last year has been a roller coaster but I've learned who i am, and most importantly where im going.. A new me; happier, healthier, motivated to finally reach some long lost goals as well as some new ones.. Im so blessed to have a wonderful family who supports me, friends that stand by me ....
And now with the help and direction of God, I'm about to embark on the production of my EP.. its been 3 years and im back in the studio, writing, arranging and loving every minute of it. I am fortunate to know some amazing producers, musicians, writiers, arrangers etc, that believe I'm worth workin with and believe in my ministry and that means the world to me, collaborating with them has and will be unforgettable.. I am convinced that now im ready to do this, im not who i was 3 years ago... and inspite of the challenges, set backs, and sometimes hurts, i had to endure it all to become what i am today.. God never ceases to amaze me.. I now know that.... "He watched over me, covered me because of all the plans he has for me".... and simply because He loves me.. God's love is never ending, it wasn't enough for him to endure what he did on a cross, for my sins.. Today he continues to show mercy, grace and love.. His love is overwhelming.. I will forever serve YOU with all of me! Thank You!