Wednesday, January 19, 2011

top of 2011

...a million and one thoughts running through my mind but, one very important question that stands out the most is , "What am i gonna do next"?... I've never been the type to be just "content" in life, in my career, in ministry, in pretty much anything.. Inside my veins runs some pretty thick blood, infused with: passion/hopes/dreams/goals/ambition/and faith. I will not let another year pass me by without accomplishing the tasks set before me. I know one thing is for sure, God has put me in a place that completely scares me, i have never felt such an anticipation in my heart, i know he's leading me somewhere, I've never ever been before.. I can't ignore the words I received in 2010 by so many that have encouraged me and led by God have delivered messages to me that are truly keeping me focused at this time. So i know that at the end of 2011 i will look back and see all the significant things God orchestrated in my life. I want to shine BRIGHT... Ready for the most amazing years of my life! =D